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July 16, 2006
Apparently I created my blog a few months ago and just forgot about it. Last night I was with a few friends at Starbuks Marina, who happen to be bloggers as well (Jazz Central and Fractal), and they encouraged me not to quit on it. To tell you the truth, back in Lebanon, I was not into all this stuff. But, in Kuwait, I seem to have way more free time on my hands and, because of that, I have become more interested in the internet. Plus, its an interesting way to share with others my points of view on any topic. But, I say again, I'm still a beginner in blogging so if anyone has useful tips for me, I'm all ears, and sooner or later, I will get the hang of it. Looking forward to discovering the blogging experience and make the best out of it. Later....

PS: If you are in any way intereted in knowing more about who i am, you can check


posted by Fonzy @ 7/16/2006 09:40:00 AM  
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Name: Fonzy
Home: Kuwait
About Me: In brief, I graduated from LAU in Lebanon with a double major in Busines Computer and Banking & Finance. Worked in many pubs and night clubs as a DJ, PR, and Security Comptroller. Now I'm in Kuwait.... been here since September 2005. Im working two jobs, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, and a third project is on the way, which will be a great hit if it works out and i sleep max 5 hours a day. Its a chilled life, mostly work, and occasional outings. In Kuwait, I use my brain cells, then go to Lebanon and burn them:D But one fact remains unchanged and will always be.... I MISS LEBANON!!!!!
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