My uncle and wife are visiting us from Lebanon; they have been here for the past two weeks and I have been very busy taking them out and showing them around. One thing about this uncle is that he has always spoiled me ever since I was a kid:) I thought I was done with the whole Eidiyah thing ages ago. But on the first day of Eid, my uncle surprised me when he gave me a $100 bill! LOL...... I was shocked. It had been ages since I saw a $100 bill, ever since I left Lebanon 1 year 1 month and 12 days ago :P So when I saw it, I was sucked into memory lane remembering the good old times in Lebanon. Its only worth 30K.D. and I dont want to sound like a spoiled brat, but 30 K.D. does not sound as amazing as $100 :) Damn I miss Lebanon! Labels: Family, lebanon, personal |
Fifty Fifty :D