I work at a bank so our days off are Friday and Saturday. Usually I go to my second job on Saturdays but this past one was insane. Since I'm moving to a new department soon, I was requested to submit all my cases this week, and present them to the committee. I gotta say they screwed me over. I thought I would have till the end of the month. So yesterday I came to the bank to try and finish off as much as possible. I came at 10:00 a.m. and ended up staying till 5:00 p.m.!!! But I must admit that I loved working; I got so much work done, not a single human being around me, it was so quiet you can hear the sound of a needle falling on the floor. I finished as much work in one day as I would in three normal days. I would have stayed had it not been for Iftar. I was so swamped with paper work, and still am, that I had to take stuff home with me..... yeah yeah homework!! Back to good old school days, and we thought we would be done of homework once we start working, yeah right!!! :P Spent a few hours at home working; I reached a point where everything I saw were numbers. Needing to go out, I ended up with the guys at Steve's place chilling and talking.
Labels: personal, Work |
Damn dude! They seemed to have cramped you in the end! Hopefully it will all go smoothly and you finish up! Good luck with that... I've stayed late a couple of times up to 5 pm easy! I got used to it!