Today will be the final set of cases I will be presenting to the committee as a credit officer. You know what they say, the first and final impressions are those that have the greatest effects. Although I had already presented dozens of cases during the past few months, today feels different. I got butterflies in my stomach; feels like I am back in high school presenting in front of the class! I even gave a presentation once in university to over 500 people!! Today am presenting to 10 people max, but are all some of the top financial people in the country. I am very well prepared as I studied all cases fully last night and this morning. LOL I was practicing presenting them on my way to work today. It just got me thinking on how funny it is that some things in life dont change no matter how experienced you are.
Ok am off now to face the predators!! :P
Labels: personal, Work |
good luck bro :P , i know u will do great