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Update on Fady
August 05, 2006
After the beach, we went home, showered, changed and left again. We first head to Holiday Inn, but damn that place is boring.. too quiet. We like going to places where there is a crowd, a mature crowd though:) So we went to Divas, and this time I had fun. I actually had dinner there and the food was good:) Fady, who had a car accident recently and ended up with a broken shoulder, was there. It was really good to see him up and about cos when I passed by him at home.... well, it was depressing seeing him all helpless. But he showed up all clean shaven and stuff. The best part is that he shaved his head, after consulting with me about it:) He couldnt gel his hair cos of his shoulder; he tried a few times but got fed up. So he shaved his hair, not skin shave but its very short now, and he looked pretty good actually. I doubt he will grow his hair back, even when he gets better.


posted by Fonzy @ 8/05/2006 01:04:00 PM  
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Name: Fonzy
Home: Kuwait
About Me: In brief, I graduated from LAU in Lebanon with a double major in Busines Computer and Banking & Finance. Worked in many pubs and night clubs as a DJ, PR, and Security Comptroller. Now I'm in Kuwait.... been here since September 2005. Im working two jobs, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, and a third project is on the way, which will be a great hit if it works out and i sleep max 5 hours a day. Its a chilled life, mostly work, and occasional outings. In Kuwait, I use my brain cells, then go to Lebanon and burn them:D But one fact remains unchanged and will always be.... I MISS LEBANON!!!!!
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