Last night was one of em fun nights that I haven't had in quite a while. Went to Iad's place, which took us forever to find, and played board games!!! :) This game called Cranium which I had never seen before. Brand new experience for me, although I am crazy about board games. We were four teams, each of 3 people, adn the game basically is filled with challenges like sharades, spelling bees, questions, sculpting, drawing, and other stuff. When it is your turn, you roll the so-called die and you get a color. Then the other team draws a card from that color box and reads out the challenge for you. Simple, you get it right, you go on; you get it wrong, you stay where you are. It was a really fun game, too bad we lost :P Well, they cheated!! I helped them get the final winning answer! :) Labels: Fun Stuff, personal |
i love cranium.
we had cranium night a few weeks ago at chalet. i partnered up with my little bro. we had lots of laughs but felt so mentally retarded afterwards