I think they are overdoing it with all these dating sites. Right now, the most popular are hi5, cupidbay, and mate1. Well, they could help but the problem is that nobody is taking them seriously. I mean they out up pics of their shoes or car or something and want to have as many virtual friends as possible but not talk to any. I admit when I first came to Kuwait, I knew nobody and wanted to meet people so resorted to hi5 to try and meet people. I used it for several months but it was useless. Hi5 was full of freaks and weirdos, and when I tried to talk to normal people, they would think I am a freak or weirdo :P Still, it is a fun experience. Point is there is now an arabic hi5 and no its not "Hat Khamsa" (as Iad sarcastically commented)! hehe. Check it out here. Labels: Fun Stuff, Innovations |
hehe! i too always think everybody online is a freak or psycho trying to get me (except u people know who u are that r normal)... confession! and also! maybe i'm a freak too grrr :)