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LAU in Kuwait: Reminder
October 05, 2006

I recently found out that there is an LAU group in Kuwait that organizes events. Well, since I am an LAU alumni, I feel it is my duty to advertise their events :P TONIGHT they will be having a sohoor at Crowne Plaza starting 10:00 p.m. Dont know details but will update once I find out.

Update: Tickets are being sold for 10 K.D. Places are limited. To reserve, call Mrs. Youmna Salame at 9750875 or Mr. Marwan Farah at 9086381.

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posted by Fonzy @ 10/05/2006 10:00:00 AM  
  • At 10/04/2006 09:45:00 PM, Blogger Sita said…

    YES! they have been there all the time. They do events all the time. usually the same events every year. They usually have an amazing party once a year. Last year didn't work out because of a certain situation that made all party in hotels get cancelled. But who knows maybe this year they will be able to do it again. LAU does that party, hen there's an AUB one too :P.

  • At 10/04/2006 10:43:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    i honestly didnt know about them and nobody told me about them until a few days ago, a friend filled me in. And first thing i did was find out who the president was and called her up. Sounds like it will be fun:)

  • At 10/05/2006 03:20:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    ummmmmmm, marzouq. I am lebanese:) now where did u get the idea that i like lebanon?:P

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Name: Fonzy
Home: Kuwait
About Me: In brief, I graduated from LAU in Lebanon with a double major in Busines Computer and Banking & Finance. Worked in many pubs and night clubs as a DJ, PR, and Security Comptroller. Now I'm in Kuwait.... been here since September 2005. Im working two jobs, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, and a third project is on the way, which will be a great hit if it works out and i sleep max 5 hours a day. Its a chilled life, mostly work, and occasional outings. In Kuwait, I use my brain cells, then go to Lebanon and burn them:D But one fact remains unchanged and will always be.... I MISS LEBANON!!!!!
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