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Where Did The Traffic Go?
October 18, 2006

This morning when I got out of the house, I was very shocked by the traffic. There was NO traffic!! At first I thought it was a thursday, so checked the calendar and........... its Wednesday. I'm telling you, the traffic stories in this country belong with the X-Files.... no explanation!! Yet, am not complaining, very smooth and chilled drive to work.

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posted by Fonzy @ 10/18/2006 10:05:00 AM  
  • At 10/18/2006 11:07:00 AM, Blogger Fatima said…

    We students give ourselves holidays before these occasions :]

  • At 10/18/2006 11:36:00 AM, Blogger Purgatory said…

    You should have known that.

  • At 10/18/2006 01:21:00 PM, Blogger Izzi said…

    hehe the x files!

  • At 10/18/2006 02:11:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    howahkan. i guess so

    will. i miss those days!! :(

    whiterose. yeah, we r serious working people:P.... NOT;)

    purg. not as smart as u man!

    yasmine. well yeah, i still cant seem to explain it:)

  • At 10/18/2006 08:55:00 PM, Blogger Purgatory said…

    Here is a tip for next ramadan, first 10 days horrible traffic, 2nd 10 days traffic becomes a bit ok, but depends on when you go out, last 10 days it almost becomes non existent or "normal".

    And here is a future tip, once Ramadan becomes in summer time coupled with vacations, then you will be more comfertable.

  • At 10/19/2006 07:41:00 AM, Blogger Marzouq said…

    Since your holiday everybody is gone from the city! The country! POOOFFF!!! GONE!

    looool! Seriously! Alot of people are off and gone!

  • At 10/19/2006 09:14:00 AM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    purg. thanks for the summary:) what an analysis!! will keep it in mind for next year

    marzouq. absolutely. but i gotta admit, it is ridiculous! the whole country disappeared!?!?!?

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Name: Fonzy
Home: Kuwait
About Me: In brief, I graduated from LAU in Lebanon with a double major in Busines Computer and Banking & Finance. Worked in many pubs and night clubs as a DJ, PR, and Security Comptroller. Now I'm in Kuwait.... been here since September 2005. Im working two jobs, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, and a third project is on the way, which will be a great hit if it works out and i sleep max 5 hours a day. Its a chilled life, mostly work, and occasional outings. In Kuwait, I use my brain cells, then go to Lebanon and burn them:D But one fact remains unchanged and will always be.... I MISS LEBANON!!!!!
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