Today is Jazz's birthday. He just turned 28!!! Jazz has been a pleasure to know ever since me met during the World Cup games. We were cheering the same teams throughout until he decided to turn against me and cheer Italy and win during the finals. Among his many attributes is his descency, loyalty and care for his friends, extreme politeness, great sense of humour, open mindedness, and his incredible coin tossing skills (its a show I would definitely pay to watch) :P Anyway, to celebrate we head last night to his favorite sushi place, Edo. It was meant to be a surprise but I ended up getting there late and missed it cos of the damn traffic!!!! Why the hell do they have night schools!! Its not like they are studying anything during the day, now they wanna study at night too???!!!! Give us a break from the damn schools!! Ok......... way off topic :P Basically, it was a great night, great group of people sharing laughs and good times celebrating the growing of a great guy yet another year. And it was great giving back to him what he has given to all his friends.
Happy Birthday Bro!!! Wish You all the Best!
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Happy B-day Jazz!