Since I have changed the template of my blog, I am inviting you to sign my guest book according to the new layout. So far I got many comments for it but none on the guest book. Those who signed it were commenting on my old blog design. I know the post comments are not showing on this new blog, am still working on that:) You can sign it by clicking here or you can go to it under Ayo's Chat Box. I appreciate any feedback you have to offer. Thank you and looking forward to your comments! Here are the comments I received for the old blog: (listed in order from oldest to most recent)
Killa: Your blog is HOT:P Deem: Impressive :) Deenie: hey your blog is very cool :) its my first time here. I was wondering if your name is inspired by the guy from Happy Days. Ananyah: Fonzy forced me to sign this, so do not believe anything I write here. He paid me to say that he is a nice guy, friendly, funny & his blog rox my sox...... so where is my 50KD? hahaha only kidding, I mean everything I say.... Im still wanting my money :P Maze: Ur blog is amazing... very interesting... cant wait till tomorrow to see what u've posted... keep it on. Sita: I think its great. Easy to read, the layout is good on the eyes... and you're always a little funny in your posts, and theres always something interesting to read... I like it :P Keep it up! PRESSURE! Cuteberry: Me likey :) Keep it up. The more posts the better ;) Add the guest book link to the blog:) Intlxpatr: Your blog is a lot of fun, in addition to being beautiful. Every time I see your banner, I think WOW. Izzi: Your blog is like the coolest high school table where all the jocks and the cheerleaders sit... i love it:) Keep up the good work and entertaining, yet informative posts. Noush: good job fonz... keep it up! im one of your #1 fans ;) Stallion: Great work but you might wanna put icons for the links to your guestbook cause its hard to see especially due to the flag and the clock that take all the attention away from the links!
Labels: Bloggers, Friends, My Blog |
My first opinion still stands! good job fonzy!