Well its over. Coming to work at 9:30 a.m. is no more. Today I woke up at 6:00 a.m. to be at work by 7:30. And I tell you, it was not pleasant!! I had 3 alarms on and nothing would wake me up, I even had people calling me to wake me and still nothing! It was hard getting out of bed. Whats worse is that it was pretty dark outside which made things tougher. So I am at work now yawning like crazy, had a coffee and a red bull and still nothing! I dont even know why they got us to work today!! There is nobody here; almost the whole bank is absent and there are no customers coming in. My boss isnt even here. Yaaaaaaaaaawn :P All I see in front of me is a bed! Its gonna be a tough winter, thats for sure. Labels: personal, Work |
Today was fucking shit!