For years I have bedazzled all those around me using my thumb with my SMS skills, be it the fact that I write messages blind folded as well as the speed at which I write. I can write a message while driving without looking at the phone and back in school and university I used to write messages to my friend at home asking for answers to exam questions, or during a boring meeting, or while getting a lecture from my boss or parents..... all under the table; and I never checked my spelling cos I rarely ever misspell. Today I ran into a very interesting article talking about the fastest SMSer who broke the guiness record by writing a 160 character SMS in less than 42 seconds. So I thought to myself.... big deal, I can do that!! I set the timer and started typing like crazy and had a set text in front of me. I tried it with and without the dictionary. My results were: Without dictionary: 1 min 13 seconds With dictionary: 53 seconds Not bad, eh? :) Maybe with some more practice, I can break the record!
Related Post by Toxy.Labels: Fun Stuff, Interesting, personal |
I rarely send any SMS, I hate it, just like comments on blogs, offline messages on MSN or Yahoo, and chatting wherever!
I still write letters to my family even if they never write back! I always open my mail box with excitement, but I am still waiting for a letter.
Humanity has never had as much as communication possibilities, but people have never been as individualists and lonely as they are nowadays!