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Quarter Pounder
August 02, 2006
Yesterday, after work, I decided to go for a Quarter Pounder for a change, although I stopped eating junk food. But sometimes you get a craving for that kinda stuff and you just gotta have it. So, against my better judgement, I went for it. And this is what I got...........................

Keep it up you proud advertising people:) Ok I got tons of friends working in advertising, so I might talk about getting beaten up tomorrow :P


posted by Fonzy @ 8/02/2006 10:01:00 AM  
  • At 8/02/2006 12:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    :: lol , looks like 2 ladies over there first one she's in the 20's the reality one is ur Lady in 60's or 70's hehe .. nice one dude :)

  • At 8/02/2006 12:31:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    hehe.... well that wasnt the point but u can look at it metamorphically the way u did and come up with that too:) Dont worry... my lady, when i find her ofcourse, is the first one:)

  • At 8/02/2006 12:44:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    :: hehehe

  • At 8/02/2006 01:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    pick me, pick me!!!

  • At 8/02/2006 01:13:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    anonymous... send me ur resume with ur pic and i will put with the other thousand applicants and we will see:P

  • At 8/02/2006 01:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    All of a sudden, that made me feel so special! :)

  • At 8/02/2006 01:40:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    wer3y...... yummmmmmmmy ;)

  • At 8/02/2006 01:57:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    Anonymous... show thyself!!:) in other words.. who are u?

  • At 8/02/2006 02:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    could have asked you to guess, but that would mean you going through your 1001 resume - could take long. :) val

  • At 8/02/2006 02:22:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    VALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why didnt u say so??? You get a green sky-rocket pass all the way to the beginning of the line and I wont even check who is next, will stop at u;)

  • At 8/02/2006 02:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 8/02/2006 02:33:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    hehe duck lips:) MWAH!! miss u tons bibi

  • At 8/02/2006 02:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Miss u too :) but then again everyday i sit at work and read your blogs (for the past 2 weeks). It's like i am in your head, and you dont even know bout it... :)

  • At 8/02/2006 02:53:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    lol.... ur kidding me.. so ur sitting there knowing everything about me and i have to wait weeks and months till i talk to u:) I feel abused:P Dont stop;) Its great to know that ur reading my blogs, love the idea of u being in my head, which could do the same with u:) By any chance, is this the first time u post a comment cos i have had many anonymous people coming?

  • At 8/02/2006 02:54:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    ok scratch "abused".. i was thinking of the right word and it was "violated".. just hit me:)

  • At 8/02/2006 03:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    First time to comment, been here for quite some time, i think your counter was still showing 2-digit number then. I think i got this address from hi5 accnt. BTW, was dying to comment on your "Zeta-PLDN-10", my result was not THAT impressive:P

  • At 8/02/2006 03:11:00 PM, Blogger Delicately Realistic said…

    But c'mon, we're talking about Mcd's, its always good, ok its not just as big as in the adverts, buut close enough.

    We're not talking about KFC & Hardees.

    This is Mcd's ppl!


  • At 8/02/2006 03:55:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    Vally, apparently u have been here all along from the beginning:) Thats great:) As for the Zeta test.. what does it know, its stupid:) trust me:P

  • At 8/02/2006 03:58:00 PM, Blogger Fonzy said…

    delicately... i agree with u. its better than the others. i dont come near the others. But fact remains is that they bullshit with the ads and it aint that clean. EVERYONE knows that. But if it were up to me, I would take 2 small burgers from mcdonalds and a milkshake, a roast beef from hardees, and fries from burger king and i got me a feast:)

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Name: Fonzy
Home: Kuwait
About Me: In brief, I graduated from LAU in Lebanon with a double major in Busines Computer and Banking & Finance. Worked in many pubs and night clubs as a DJ, PR, and Security Comptroller. Now I'm in Kuwait.... been here since September 2005. Im working two jobs, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, and a third project is on the way, which will be a great hit if it works out and i sleep max 5 hours a day. Its a chilled life, mostly work, and occasional outings. In Kuwait, I use my brain cells, then go to Lebanon and burn them:D But one fact remains unchanged and will always be.... I MISS LEBANON!!!!!
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