Last night it was pretty humid and fely an urge for ice cream. So I head to my favorite ice cream pla  ce.... Hoagen Dazs! Went to Souk Sharq and locally there was no traffic. My dad wanted to see something at the fish market so that kinda ruined my appetite cos as soon as he opened the car door, the smell rushed in and was stuck in my nose for hours......... yeah, if you haven't noticed.. I hate fish!! Anyway, I ordered what they call the "Tiramisu Del Ice" or something like that. Its basically three scoops of coffee, tiramisu, and caramel topped with chocolate sauce and nuts of some sort, forgot what they are called. I am a "parlines 'n' cream" person myself but tiramisu also rocks! Hoagen Dazs rules! Labels: outings, Reviews |
i forgot about it man, wrote it down for next time:) post about it, looking forward to reading it